Unbearable and complicated loss

You may be overwhelmed by grief following a bereavement or separation. Or you may be facing the approaching death of someone to whom you feel very attached. Unbearable loss undermines your physical and emotional wellbeing.


Although loss is often a difficult experience, grieving is a natural response. Many people can be supported while they are grieving by friends, family and/or religious or social groups. However, some people need more professional help. This might be because it was a complicated relationship, it might be something to do with how the death occurred, or it may be because they don't feel capable of making the adjustment to life without the person who is no longer in it. If it is like that for you, then try psychotherapy with me. I have helped many people through a difficult bereavement process, like one client who I will call "Maya" (removing or changing any identifying details for the sake of confidentiality).

When I first saw Maya, she was dealing with anticipatory grief. She had been told, while heavily pregnant with her first baby, that her mother did not have long to live. She was so horrified that she had real difficulty understanding how she could continue to live her life. In psychotherapy, she needed to express feelings of anger, sadness, fear and despair related to her anticipated loss. Through this process, Maya became more in touch with her nurturing side, and more prepared to help herself through the difficult time ahead. She also recovered her feelings of joy about her baby and started to make plans for the birth and decide how she would cope with being a new mother without access to her own mother for support. 

If you are struggling to cope with life after a bereavement or separation or, like Maya, with an anticipated loss, then psychotherapy can give you the support you need.

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07850 425582 07850 425582


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© Gill Sweeting